Nestlé Dairy Farming Institute (DFI), China

Nestlé Dairy Farming Institute, with more than 1300 cows and covering an area of 600,000 square meters, contains a demonstration farm with two 20-stall parallel parlors and a training center.Allflex Livestock Intelligence began cooperation with Nestle DFI in 2014

Nestlé Dairy Farming Institute, with more than 1300 cows and covering an area of 600,000 square meters, contains a demonstration farm with two 20-stall parallel parlors and a training center.Allflex Livestock Intelligence began cooperation with Nestle DFI in 2014

“I start every day by checking the report sent to me automatically by the Allflex Heatime® Pro System. With this protocol, I know which cows should be bred today, and which cows I should pay more attention to today.”

 Du HongJiang, Farm Breeding Executive


Reduce breeding costs, promptly diagnose health problems, and optimize nutrition programs. Improve milking efficiency, standardize milking teams’ work, reduce teat-end hyperkeratosis and mastitis


• Allflex Heatime® Pro System with HRLDn tags for real-time heat detection and health monitoring
• Allflex DataFlow II System for real-time herd management system
• ED200 milking points for an optimized milking


The 21-day pregnancy rate increased to 31%. in summer, the 21 -day pregnant risk is 5-6% higher than the same period last year. Nutrition has been optimized for different herds, and diseases are identified 0.5-3.7 days before clinical symptoms are diagnosed

At a Glance

  • Company: Nestlé Dairy Farming Institute (DFI)
  • Location: Shuangcheng, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province
  • Herd Size: 1300+ cows, including 691 lactating cows


The Allflex system enhances multiple aspects of farm management. The system can automatically generate and send reports, according to the content settings and other parameters set by the farmer. Farm owners can keep track of work, and store a wide range of information in different categories, which greatly improves farm management

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