Himeville, South Africa

We have never looked back


Himeville farm in the Himeville district of Underberg has been in the family for over 40 years focusing predominately on Holstein dairy farming. Simon Acutt has been using the SenseHub system for several months for breeding at certain times of the year and herd health throughout the year.

“With the dairy herd management system and the way technology is going, we need to use it to our benefit, to manage herds and make our business more profitable.”

Simon Acutt, Himeville Farm


Simon transitioned 400 cows to the SenseHub system, after realising the benefits he quickly transitioned the entire herd. He is able to be proactive and is able to get the cows in to milk faster than before. The SenseHub system has helped considerably with the reduced incidence of disease, quicker recoveries, loss of fewer cows, and less reliance on heavy medications and antibiotics. SenseHub has helped with pregnancy rates by presenting more cows, allowing him to have tighter calving rates which helps him better manage his herd.

His goal for the SenseHub system is to have a healthier herd and reduce the management of the herd by relying on the system. Going forward he would like to include the heifers and the rest of the herd as he is seeing the benefit of this system.